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Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skills training is a specialized program tailored to equip participants with the essential skills, knowledge, and techniques required for success in negotiations. The primary objective of negotiation skills training is to impart both the theoretical framework and practical application of effective negotiation skills, ultimately enabling individuals to achieve greater success in their respective fields.


Course Outline:


  • Understanding Negotiation
  • Exploring the Three Realms in Negotiation
  • Defining Negotiation
  • Distinguishing What Negotiation Is and What It Is Not
  • Emphasizing the Exchange of Concessions in Negotiation
  • Adopting a Win/Win Mindset and Predicting Counterpart’s Needs
  • Avoiding Hasty Agreement to Initial Proposals
  • Maintaining Ethical and Moral Integrity in Negotiation
  • Recognizing Last-Minute Bargaining Tactics
  • Enhancing Communication Skills
  • Comprehending the Dual Meanings of “Compromise”
  • Preparation Strategies Before Negotiation
  • Identifying Common Negotiation Power Plays
  • Engaging in Practical Exercises
  • Summarizing Key Takeaways and Crafting Action Plans


Learning Outcomes:


  • Acquire the ability to negotiate mutually advantageous solutions
  • Learn to trade concessions instead of giving them away freely
  • Develop effective negotiation strategies in advance
  • Prevent overcommitting or offering too much without reciprocation
  • Enhance your communication style for negotiation success
  • Manage emotions effectively during negotiations
  • Familiarize yourself with common negotiation tactics and games


This training program aims to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in negotiations and achieve favorable outcomes.

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