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Personal Protective Equipment

The objective of this program is to enhance participants’ comprehension of pertinent legislation and the appropriateness of personal protective equipment. It also focuses on the selection or design of safety and security systems to safeguard both labor and equipment.


Course Content:


  • Employer’s Obligations (Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations)
  • Employee Responsibilities (Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations)
  • Utilizing PPE as a Control Measure
  • Provision of Personal Protective Equipment
  • Identifying Workplace Hazards in Various Industries
  • Incident and Accident Analysis
  • Harnessing Safety Procedures to Mitigate Hazards and Prevent On-the-Job Accidents
  • Types of Personal Protective Equipment and Their Proper Use
  • Considering Ergonomic and Other Factors
  • Assessing the Quality of PPE
  • Ensuring Equipment Compatibility
  • Maintenance and Replacement Guidelines for PPE
  • Adequate Accommodation and Storage for PPE
  • Providing Information, Instruction, and Training
  • Reporting Loss and Defects
  • Types of Protection:
    • Head Protection
    • Eye Protection
    • Hand Protection
    • Foot Protection
    • Respiratory Protection


Who Should Enroll?


This program is tailored for engineers, safety officers, specialists, and maintenance engineers who seek to participate in a comprehensive course addressing the selection, use, and maintenance of personal protective equipment and safety systems.

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