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Home | Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety

Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety

Every year, numerous individuals lose their lives in workplace accidents, with over one million sustaining injuries, and more than two million experiencing work-related illnesses or exacerbations of existing conditions. Preventing these incidents and safeguarding health and safety in the workplace is a paramount concern for all.


Learning Objectives:


Upon successful course completion, participants will be able to:


  • Recognize the scope and essence of health and safety.
  • Identify hazards and risks inherent in their working environment.
  • Conduct comprehensive risk assessments.
  • Comprehend the hierarchy of risk control.
  • Grasp the responsibilities of both employers and employees.


Course Overview:


  • Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety
  • Responsibilities of Employers and Employees
  • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Systems
  • Understanding Hazard and Risk
  • In-Depth Risk Assessment
  • Exploring the Hierarchy of Control
  • Significance of Safety Signs


Who Should Enroll?


This course is intended for all employees, as it equips them with the essential knowledge and skills to contribute to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment.

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