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Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

Hazard identification is a cornerstone of effective health and safety management systems. This course offers a comprehensive overview of various hazard types, the process of identifying risks, and their implications for organizations. It underscores the business advantages stemming from successful risk and safety management, which are integral to any company’s overall strategy and contribute significantly to its success.


Course Overview:


  • Introduction to Hazard Identification
  • Hazard Categories
  • Qualitative Risk Assessment
  • Hazard Effect and Severity
  • Probability and Likelihood Assessment
  • Initial Risk Versus Residual Risk
  • Hierarchy of Controls
  • Practical Exercises


Learning Objectives:


Upon completion, participants will:


  • Understand the scope and essence of health and safety.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of hazards and potential harm.
  • Identify workplace-related hazards.
  • Assess risks associated with identified hazards.
  • Conduct effective risk assessments.
  • Grasp the principles of the hierarchy of risk control.
  • Be knowledgeable about legal requirements pertaining to hazard identification and control.
  • Acquire practical skills in task and area analysis.


Who Should Enroll?


This course is beneficial for supervisors, managers, Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) personnel, and health and safety advisors seeking an in-depth understanding of hazard identification and risk assessment processes. It is also suitable for workers at all levels interested in enhancing their safety knowledge.

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