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Manual Handling

This course is designed to provide participants with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to safely perform manual handling activities in the workplace. The course covers various aspects of manual handling, including the hazards associated with it, the risks involved, and the control measures that can be implemented to prevent injuries.


Here are the learning outcomes and course content:


Learning Outcomes:


  •          Understand the importance and principles of safe handling and lifting.
  •          Comprehend employer responsibilities and compliance requirements.
  •          Identify risk factors for occupational back injuries.
  •          Recognize the importance of risk assessments and risk control.
  •          Understand the equipment required and the importance of its maintenance.
  •          Apply safe manual handling techniques.
  •          Identify workplace control measures to reduce the risk of back injuries.
  •          Describe what is meant by Discomfort, Pain, and Injury (DPI).
  •          Outline measures used to manage the risks to staff experiencing DPI.
  •          Learn kinetic lifting techniques through practical demonstrations and exercises.

Who Should Attend?


This course is suitable for individuals aged 16 and over who are required to perform manual handling activities in their workplace or those who wish to gain knowledge and skills in manual handling. It is relevant to a wide range of industries and occupations where manual handling is a part of the job.

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