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Home | ISO 22000:2018 Lead Auditor (FSMS)

ISO 22000:2018 Lead Auditor (FSMS)

This course provides delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform first, second and third-party audits of food safety management systems against ISO 22000, in accordance with ISO 19011, ISO 22003 and ISO 17021, as applicable.


Learning Objectives:


• Identify the aims and benefits of an ISO 22000 audit
• Interpret ISO 22000 requirements for audit application
• Plan, conduct and follow-up auditing activities that add real value
• Grasp the application of risk-based thinking to products and processes, leadership and process management
• Access the latest auditor techniques and identify appropriate use
• Build stakeholder confidence by managing processes in line with the latest requirements
• Describe the purpose of a FSMS, of FSMS standards, of management system audits and of third party certification
• Explain the role of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and follow up a FSMS audit in accordance with ISO 19011 (and ISO 22003 including ISO/IEC 17021, where appropriate)
• Plan, conduct, report and follow up an audit of a FSMS to establish conformity (or otherwise) with ISO 22000 in accordance with ISO 19011 (and ISO 22003 including ISO/IEC 17021, where appropriate)
• Apply the concept of product and process risk to audit findings


Who should attend?

• Individuals interested in conducting second- or third-party audits of FSSC 22000 management systems
• Quality/Food Safety Management Representatives and Food Safety Consultants

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