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Home | ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Training Course Quality Management System

ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Training Course Quality Management System

The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform an internal audit of part of a quality management system based on ISO 9001, and report on the effective implementation and maintenance of the management system in accordance with ISO 19011.



By the end of the course delegates will have the knowledge and skills to:

• Explain the role of QMS internal audit for system maintenance and improvement.
• Explain the role and responsibilities of an auditor to manage internal ISO 9001 QMS audit as per ISO 19011.
• Plan, conduct, report, and follow-up an internal audit of part of a quality management system based on ISO 9001, and in accordance with ISO 19011.



• Quality management system auditors, such as those employed by third-party certification bodies/registrars or by purchasing organizations (second-party auditors)
• Quality management practitioners, such as quality management consultants, quality managers and third-party certification managers
• Employees conducting quality management system audits within their own organizations (internal audits).

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