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Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skills training is specialized training designed to give you the skills, knowledge and methods, you need to succeed as a negotiator. The purpose of negotiation skills training is to teach the theory and PRACTICE of excellent negotiation skills and therefore, to help people become more successful in their chosen field.


Course Outline:

• What is negotiation?
• In any negotiation, there are three realms to consider
• What negotiation IS
• What negotiation IS NOT
• Negotiation is about trading concessions, not giving them away
• Try to predict what the other party wants. Think Win / Win
• Don’t automatically agree to their first proposal
• Maintain your good business ethics and moral principles
• Watch for bargaining activity just before a deadline
• Improve your communication skills
• Understand the two meanings of the word “Compromise”
• What preparations should you make before the negotiation?
• What are the common tricks, or POWER PLAYS used by negotiators
• Exercises to put these skills into practice
• Summary and final action plans


Learning Outcomes:

• How to negotiate mutually beneficial solutions
• Don’t give concessions, instead trade them
• Prepare your negotiation strategy in advance
• How to avoid giving away too much for free
• Perfect your communication style
• How to manage emotions
• Learn about the “Games negotiators play”

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