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Certified Master Trainer

The Certified Master Trainer (Train the Trainer) Ccourse content is practical and grounded in the real world, not just academic theory. This program focuses on what happens before, during, and after you deliver training, and what to do if training is not the right solution.

Learner feedback indicates high value in the following areas: student engagement, expert facilitation and applicable tools and techniques.


Learning Objective


• Describe the training cycle.

• Identify and determine the need for training—what, who, and how.

• Write effective learning objectives.

• Design participant-oriented learning materials and exercises.

• Apply adult learning concepts, develop supportive climates, and customize off-the-shelf materials.

• Use training activities and alternatives to lecture, Use a range of strategies for different learning needs, and create

effective questioning techniques.

• Prepare properly for a training session, and prepare participants to foster learning.

• Manage and encourage participants of all backgrounds and learning styles

• Address challenging participants and behaviours.

• Present and facilitate a training program, including the use of audiovisuals and handouts.

• Evaluate program impact at different levels using a variety of methods.

• Identify the five levels of evaluation.


Who Should Attend?


This program is ideal for new or experienced trainers who have not had formal education in training. It is also for those trainers who need a refresher to improve their classroom techniques and methods to transfer learning to work situations.

Primarily designed for learning professionals – trainers, instructional designers, and organizational development practitioners – but would also benefit anyone within an organization who is responsible for developing others, from managers to human resources specialists.

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