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Home | Health & Safety Leadership for Supervisors

Health & Safety Leadership for Supervisors

This course will provide team leaders, supervisors and frontline managers with practical knowledge and skills to help better manage health and safety risks in the face of competing demands, including strategies to respond effectively to change.


Learning Objectives:


On successful completion, students will be able to:

• Understand the reasons for managing health and safety

• Understand the key duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

• Understand key aspects of health and safety culture

• Understand the purpose and content of a health and safety management system

• Understand hazard and risk management concepts

• Understand the importance of incident response, reporting and effective investigation

• Understand how to measure health and safety performance at the team level

• Understand how to lead H&S in practice through values, behaviors and capability.


Who should attend?


This course has been designed for Supervisors, Team leaders & Frontline managers.

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