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Emergency Planning and Response

This one-day course helps the participants to determine the most appropriate level of emergency response based on the risk exposure. It also helps in effectively making decisions and execution protection strategies to ensure safety and business continuity, and minimize the damage and economic loss caused by major incidents and emergencies.
Planning for all potential emergencies will help both you and your employees be ready for unexpected situations.


Course Outline:


The following subjects will be addressed:

• Introduction

• What can be seen as an emergency?

• ER objectives and scope of the plans

• Structure and development of an emergency plan on crisis management

• Resources requirement and management

• Responsibilities and actions during emergencies

• Communication and reporting

• Potential types of emergencies

• Reporting procedures

• Alarm systems;

• Evacuation plans; and Shutdown procedures.


Who should attend?


This course is suitable for senior managers, HSE officers and supervisors, and employees who may, in the course of their normal duties, be called upon to take up a position in their company’s emergency response team. Alternatively, the course would suit anyone within the company who wishes to understand the principles of emergency response as it applies to the different industries.

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