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Home | Basic Electrical Safety

Basic Electrical Safety

This course is to enable participants how to tackle electrical hazards to ensure a safe working environment and using safety equipment and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE),  in order to help control, avoid or eliminate hazards related to dealing with electricity.


Certainly, here are the 13 course topics in a concise format:


Course Outline:


  1. Electricity Fundamentals
  2. Introduction to Safety
  3. Identifying Electrical Hazards
  4. Hazard Evaluation & Control
  5. Safe Working Practices
  6. Cord and Cable Considerations
  7. Types of Electrical Injuries
  8. Preventing Electrical Accidents
  9. Emergency Response
  10. Equipment Safety
  11. Safety Measures for Wiring
  12. Electrical Equipment Maintenance
  13. Electrical Hazards in the Workplace

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