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Home | Basic First Aid, CPR & AED

Basic First Aid, CPR & AED

The objective of this course is to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to administer immediate first aid during emergency situations, aiming to preserve life, support recovery, and prevent the deterioration of a casualty’s condition. The course places a strong emphasis on hands-on training, focusing on the practical application of first aid techniques, CPR procedures, and the effective use of AEDs in workplace settings.


Course Content:


  • Fundamentals of First Aid
  • Procedures for Emergency Management
  • Responsibilities of a First Aider
  • Approaching the Injured Party
  • Primary Goals of First Aid
  • Essential First Aid Skills (ABC Life Cycle)
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and AED Operation
  • Handling Choking Incidents in Adults, Children, or Infants
  • Common Conditions Requiring First Aid
  • Typical First Aid Scenarios
  • Additional Considerations
  • Course Evaluation


Who Should Enroll?


This course is well-suited for emergency response teams, Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) personnel, supervisors, all employees, and the general public. Successful completion of this course qualifies individuals to become designated first aiders within their workplace.

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