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Behavioral Based Safety

The Behavior-Based Safety Training program is designed to equip both employees and employers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively implement a Behavior-Based Safety Program. This program aims to demonstrate how Behavior-Based Safety can be utilized to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses. Implementing a Behavior-Based Safety program is a highly effective way for employers to promote workplace safety, eliminate hazards, and prevent injuries.




  •     Highlight the Benefits of Implementing Behavior-Based Safety Training in the Workplace, including:
  •     Enhancing employee health and well-being
  •     Increasing job satisfaction among employees
  •     Improving employee retention rates
  •     Reducing or eliminating the costs associated with worker’s compensation claims


Course Outline:


  • Introduction to Behavior-Based Safety
  • Understanding Human Behavior
  • Introduction and Definitions of Behavior-Based Safety
  • The Advantages of Applying BBS in the Workplace
  • Concepts of Behavior-Based Observation
  • Conducting Behavioral Hazard Analysis to Identify “At-Risk” Behaviors
  • Examining Attitude, Aptitude, and Motivation Factors
  • Considering Individual, Job, and Organizational Factors in BBS
  • Understanding Antecedents
  • Analyzing Consequences
  • Establishing Steering Committees
  • Defining Observation Criteria
  • Conducting Consequence Analysis


Who Should Enroll?


This course is intended for all employees and management personnel within a company. It is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Behavior-Based Safety and its application to enhance workplace safety and well-being.

Fill In The Form To Enroll Now

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