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Behavioral Based Safety

Behavior Based Safety Training is designed to provide both employees and employers with information on how to properly implement a Behavior-Based Safety Program and how it is used to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses. Behavior based safety program implementation is the most effective way for employer to promote safety, eliminate hazards and prevent injuries.




• Benefit of Implementing Behavior Based Safety Training at Workplace:-

• Improve employee health and welfare

• Increase job satisfaction

• Improve employee retention rates

• Lower or eliminate cost of worker’s compensation claims


Course Outline:


• Introduction to Behavior-Based Safety

• Human Behavior

• Introduction and definitions

• Benefits of applying BBS at the workplace

• Concepts of behavior based observation

• Behavioral hazard analysis to identify “at-risk” behaviors

• Attitude, aptitude, and motivation factors

• The individual, the job, and the organizational factors in BBS

• Antecedents

• Consequences

• Steering Committees

• Observation Criteria

• Consequence Analysis


Who should attend?


All company employees and management.

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