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Home | Construction HSE Hazards

Construction HSE Hazards

This course is designed to provide participants with the essential knowledge and skills related to the identification, management, and prevention of hazards in major facilities, construction sites, or yards. The primary objectives include:


  • Familiarizing participants with the necessary safeguards and controls for hazardous work.
  • Enhancing understanding of hazardous work activities in construction sites.
  • Developing the ability to recognize unsafe acts or conditions and take corrective actions.
  • Promoting active participation in safety programs at construction sites.
  • Learning about essential controls and safeguards for specific hazardous work activities.
  • Understanding the principles for safely controlling work.
  • Exploring safety program initiatives and real-world examples.


Course Outline:


  • Overview of Construction Hazards & Risks.
  • Hazardous Work Activities & Controls.
  • Hazardous Work Activities & Controls (Continued).
  • Control of Work.
  • Safety Programs.


Who Should Attend?


This course is suitable for individuals involved in construction-related activities. It is valuable for anyone working in or associated with the construction industry who wants to enhance their understanding of hazard identification, control measures, and safety programs.

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