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Home | Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Course Description:


This course is suitable for individuals looking to enhance their communication abilities. Participants will acquire valuable insights into improving all aspects of effective communication, encompassing proficient speaking, writing, body language, voice modulation, listening, and questioning skills. Upon completing this course, you will be well-equipped to eliminate common communication errors, allowing you to communicate with greater clarity, confidence, authority, likability, and persuasiveness.


Course Content:


The course covers the following areas:


  • Identifying Barriers to Effective Communication
  • Enhancing Interpersonal Communication within Organizations
  • Navigating Intercultural Communication
  • Verbal versus Non-Verbal Communication
  • Managing Challenging Conversations and Resolving Conflict
  • Timing in Communication
  • Emotion Management in Communication
  • Employing Factual and Objective Language
  • Striking the Right Balance of Assertiveness
  • Effective Compromising and Standing Firm
  • Utilizing Positive Body Language and Appropriate Voice Tones
  • The Art of Offering Praise, Appreciation, and Thanks


Learning Outcomes:


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:


  • Enhance their communication skills, leading to greater clarity, persuasiveness, and confidence
  • Cultivate self-assurance in presenting their message effectively
  • Master the art of precise communication to minimize misunderstandings
  • Identify and address common barriers to effective communication using fundamental techniques
  • Effectively handle conflicts and challenging conversations with an optimal level of assertiveness
  • Utilize body language gestures and voice modulation to convey messages effectively
  • Understand how to employ praise, appreciation, and expressions of gratitude to leave a positive impression in all interactions.

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