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Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills

This course is for anyone who wants to improve their communication skills. You will learn how to create the right impression by improving all elements of effective communication; effective speaking, writing, body language, voice tones, listening and questioning skills. After attending this course, you will know how to eliminate many common errors and you will communicate with more clarity, confidence, authority, likeability and persuasiveness.


Course Outline:


• Barriers to communication
• Effective interpersonal communication in organizations
• Intercultural communication
• Verbal vs. Non-verbal communication
• Managing the difficult conversation and conflict
• Communication requires you get the timing right
• Communication requires you get the emotions right
• Communicate using factual, objective language
• Communicate with the right level of assertiveness
• Know when to compromise and when to stand firm
• Good body language and the use of proper voice tones
• The proper use of praise and appreciation

Learning Outcomes:


• Improve your communication skills: Become more clear, convincing and persuasive
• Gain more confidence; present your message with assurance
• How to specify the exact meaning, so there is no misunderstanding
• Understand the Barriers to Communication and apply Basic techniques to eliminate them
• Handle conflict situations and difficult conversations with the right amount of assertiveness
• Effective use of body-language gestures and voice tones
• The proper use of praise, appreciation and thanks: Always leave on a positive note

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