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Environmental Awareness

The Environmental Awareness Training Course serves as an excellent introduction to understanding our environment and our impact on it. Participants will gain insights into how work-related operations and incidents affect the environment, both in the short and long term.


Course Highlights:


  • Exploring global environmental changes.
  • Identifying hazards and their consequences.
  • Defining the concept of the environment.
  • Examining the environmental impact of workplaces.
  • Understanding environmental resources and their interaction with human activities.
  • Recognizing vulnerable environmental receptors.
  • Investigating various forms of pollution.
  • Discussing topics such as the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, solid waste, deforestation, desertification, and waste management.
  • Highlighting the concept of producer responsibility.


Who Should Attend?


This course is suitable for environmental specialists, safety personnel, management, and all employees within a company who wish to enhance their understanding of environmental awareness and its importance.

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