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Home | Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene

Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene

Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene is an essential course to take if you are concerned about the safety, health and general well-being of your co-workers and hazards that could affect them. This is a 3 days course that develops your understanding of industrial hygiene terminology, principles and practices by examining four key processes in an effective industrial hygiene effort — anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control. Discussions on when to use a qualified/certified industrial hygienist are held throughout the course.


Program Objectives:


Upon completion of the Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize potential and existing chemical, physical, ergonomic, and biological hazards.

• Employ general engineering and administrative controls.

• Conduct an industrial hygiene walk-through survey.


Course Outline:


• Anatomy and physiology

• Toxicology

• Chemical hazards (liquids, gases, vapors, and particulates)

• Physical hazards (noise, radiation and thermal stress)

• Ergonomics

• Biological hazards

• Walkthrough surveys

• Air sampling

• Sound measurement

• Ventilation

• Personal protective equipment

• Respiratory protection

• Safety and health programs/agencies

• Government standards and voluntary guidelines

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