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Home | General Safety Awareness

General Safety Awareness

This training program is tailored to equip workers with the practical skills and knowledge required to effectively manage health and safety in their workplace. It aims to create awareness among staff about key legislation pertaining to health and safety within their roles, foster an understanding of their duties and responsibilities, emphasize accident prevention, address health and welfare concerns, and enable them to identify potential hazards.


Course Overview:


  • Introduction to Managing Safely
  • The Role of Management in Health and Safety
  • Risk Assessment and Risk Control
  • Accident and Incident Investigation
  • Understanding Legal Responsibilities
  • Hazard Identification
  • Managerial Responsibility in Health and Safety
  • Employee Duties and Obligations
  • Health and Safety Policies
  • Overview of Relevant Legislation
  • Competency Requirements for Health and Safety
  • Health and Safety Monitoring


Who Should Enroll?


This course is suitable for workers, managers, and supervisors across all sectors and organizations. It is designed to provide essential knowledge and skills to anyone in these roles to effectively manage health and safety in the workplace.

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