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Home | HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)

This training program covers the basic HACCP regulations on managing food safety and develop your knowledge and raise awareness of food hazards. You will learn about analyzing and controlling biological, chemical and physical hazards from production to handling and distribution.


Key facts:


• Introduction to food safety management

• Essential principles of HACCP and what you must do to ensure that food is safe to eat

• Open opportunities to acquire a deeper understanding of food management legislation

• Find out how to monitor, evaluate and review processes and procedures such as dating and stock rotation

• Learn about food safety management based on codex principles and application of HACCP


Who should attend?


• Food operatives who need to support food safety management

• Employees within food retail premises handling food

• For supervisors and managers within catering, retail and manufacturing industries

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