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Health and Safety at Work

This fundamental course is designed for individuals seeking to acquire knowledge about workplace health and safety, as well as the regulations governing the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment. It empowers participants to work with greater safety awareness and recognize the impact of their actions on the health and safety of their colleagues. Moreover, it’s a highly transferrable skill that enhances one’s CV.


Key Facts:


  • Offers fundamental knowledge for promoting a safe workplace.
  • Develops an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of both employers and employees.
  • Identifies common workplace hazards and conditions that can affect employees.
  • Emphasizes the significance of health and safety.
  • Covers monitoring, measurement, and investigative processes required for legal compliance.
  • Addresses workplace safety and emergency procedures.
  • Explores individual responsibilities in risk reduction and health and safety support within the work environment.
  • Provides insight into risk profiling, its role in health and safety, incident reporting, and emergency response protocols.


Who Should Enroll?


This course is suitable for managers, supervisors, and key staff members responsible for managing safety and health within their workplace. It is beneficial for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of workplace safety and health regulations.

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