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Home | Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety

Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety

Several people are killed each year in accidents at work and over one million people are injured. Over two million suffer illnesses caused by, or made worse by, their work. Preventing accidents and ill health caused by work is a key priority for everyone at work.


Learning Outcomes:


On successfully completing the course, Participants will be able to:

• Identify the scope and nature of health and safety

• Identify the hazards and risks associated to the working environment

• Carry out risk assessment

• Identify the hierarchy of risk control

• Identify the responsibilities of an employer and an employee

Course Outline:


• · Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety

• · Employer and Employee’s Responsibilities

• · OHS Management System

• · Hazard and Risk

• · Risk Assessment

• · Hierarchy of Control

• · Safety Signs

Who Should Attend?


All Employees

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