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Home | ISO 14001:2015 Lead Auditor Training Course Environmental Management System

ISO 14001:2015 Lead Auditor Training Course Environmental Management System

This course teaches you the management systems approach to managing environmental impacts, the requirements of ISO 14001, and how to plan, complete and report the audit of an entire EMS. The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform first, second and third-party audits of environmental management systems against ISO 14001:2015



  • Explain the purpose of EMS standards, audit, third-party certification, and the business benefits of improved performance of Environmental management system
  • Explain the role and responsibility of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and follow up an environmental management system audit in accordance with ISO 19011, and ISO/IEC 17021-1, as applicable.
  • Plan, conduct, report and follow-up an audit of a EMS to establish conformity or otherwise with ISO 14001, and in accordance with ISO 19011.




  • Environmental auditors, such as those employed by third-party certification bodies and registrars or by purchasing organisations (second-party auditors)
  • Environmental practitioners, such as environmental consultants, environmental managers and other environmental personnel
  • Employees conducting environmental management system audits within their own organizations (internal audits).

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