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Leadership and Management Skills

On this leadership and management development course, you will learn the leadership skills you need; goal setting, effective communication, motivation, time management and much more.

This short course will give you all the skills you need to more effective, without having to enroll in a business school to study for a technical management qualification.


Course Outline:

• What is leadership and management?
• Develop your leadership management style
• How to set goals, using the eight-part SMART goal-setting formula
• Asking the right questions
• Leadership Styles: Decide how you want to be perceived
• Positive v negative suggestions
• Don’t spend much time arguing about the past
• Know when to compromise and when not too
• Proper use of body language and voice tones
• Assertive, but not aggressive
• Summary and Action Planning
• How to manage your time as a leader?
• Distinguish between being ‘Busy’ and being ‘Productive’
• Emotional Management in a Leadership Role
• How to create and sustain a positive mental attitude
• How to transform negative conversations into something more valuable
• How to transform failure into feedback
• How to use your language to make others more confident, optimistic and effective


Learning Outcomes:

• A State-of-the-art Leadership and Management training course
• Leadership skills that will inspire others to give you their best performance
• Communicate your message with greater clarity and confidence
• Time management skills training. Prioritization, preparation and delegation
• Handle difficult people, resolve conflicts, more quickly and with less fuss
• Inspire yourself – more self-confidence and motivation
• Develop an inspirational leadership style – more motivation, optimism and confidence

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