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Personal Protective Equipment

To allow participants to gain a greater understanding of relevant legislation, as well as suitability of personal protective equipment. Select or design safety and security systems to protect both, Labour and equipment.


Course Outline:


• Employers Duties (Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations)

• Employees Duties (Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations)

• PPE as a Control Measure

• Providing PPE

• Work Hazards in Industry.

• Incidents and Accidents.

• How Safety Procedures can Reduce Hazards and Prevent Accidents on the Job?

• Types and Proper Use of Personal Protection Equipment and Other Items.

• Ergonomic and Other Factors

• Quality of PPE

• Compatibility of Equipment

• Maintenance and Replacement of PPE

• Accommodation and Storage for PPE

• Information, Instruction and Training

• Reporting Loss and Defect

• Types of Protection:

o Head

o Eye

o Hand

o Foot

o Respiratory


Who should attend?


Engineers, safety officers & specialists and who have the wish to attend such program maintenance engineers

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