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Home | Scaffolding Trainer Certification (Validation 05 Years)

Scaffolding Trainer Certification (Validation 05 Years)

This is our premier course and includes the ACS-GP TRAINER certificate and trainer materials including DVD’s, PDF slide presentation, Instructor Guide, and 340 page manual. Upon completion, the attendee is authorized to conduct training per ACS-GP protocols and issue certificates. It consists of five daily modules.


Module One


is basic Competent Person training including overview of the 25 types of scaffolds in the OSHA regulations, and coverage of the OSHA requirements. It also covers recommended assembly procedures. It is primarily classroom with walk by discussion of actual scaffold displays. The course agenda follows the manual including step by step assembly instructions and inspection checklists.


Module Two

consists of practical hands-on erection and dismantling of several types of basic frame, tube & coupler, and “system” scaffolds.


Module Three

covers scaffold design & loading, including how to determine what size scaffold is needed, how to do scaffold drawings, how to calculate the scaffold material required, and how to calculate the weights on the scaffold planks, bearers, couplers, and posts (leg load). It also covers typical manufacturers allowable loading.


Module Four


covers powered suspended scaffolds. Topics included are single and two point suspended scaffold (e.g. Spider, swing stage, etc.), rigging equipment, counterweight formula, and related topics. Course includes PDF copies of several different manufacturers’ brochures, and hands-on training.


Module Five


is advanced hands on including assembly of underhung (hanging) tube & coupler, cantilevering (knee out), frame scaffolds with putlog trusses and stairways.


2. Four Day Trainer Course.


This course is the same as the Five Day Trainer course without the fifth day (Module Five, Advanced Hands on).If the attendee will not be teaching Module Five topics such as assembly of underhung (hanging) scaffolds, cantilevers, trusses, and stairways, then this course could be a good fit.


3. Three Day Trainer Course.


This is our most basic Trainer course and covers Modules One, Two, and Three.It does not include Modules Four or Five.The course includes the ACS-GP Trainer certificate and trainer materials including DVD’s, PDF Slide Presentation, and Instructor Guide, and 340 page manual. Materials available in English or Spanish. The course consists of three one day modules.


Module One


is basic Competent Person training including overview of the 25 types of scaffolds in the OSHA regulations, and coverage of the OSHA requirements. It also covers recommended assembly procedures. It is primarily classroom with walk by discussion of actual scaffold displays. The course agenda follows the manual including step by step assembly instructions and inspection checklists. This first module is excellent for Competent Inspectors. It is the prerequisite for all other modules.


Module Two


consists of practical hands-on erection and dismantling of several types of of frame, tube & coupler, and “system” scaffolds.


Module Three


covers scaffold design & loading, including how to determine what size scaffold is needed, how to do scaffold drawings, how to calculate the scaffold material required, and how to calculate the weights on the scaffold planks, bearers, couplers, and posts (leg load). It also covers typical manufacturers allowable loading. This course does not include Module Four powered suspended scaffolds or Module Five advanced hands on.

If the attendee will not be teaching Module Five topics such as assembly of underhung (hanging) scaffolds, cantilevers, trusses, and stairways, or Module Four topics such as powered suspended scaffolds, then this course could be a good fit.

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