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Workplace Health & Safety

This course is structured to elucidate the ways in which effective health and safety planning can lead to cost reductions and heightened productivity. It also guides organizations on systematically enhancing their health and safety performance. Upon successful completion of this course, trainees will be proficient in recognizing and describing legislative rights and responsibilities pertaining to workplace health and safety, as well as grasping the fundamental principles of workplace safety.


Course Objectives:


  • Identification of employer and employee responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSW Act).
  • Explanation of the systems approach to workplace health and safety.
  • Understanding of hazard management controls.
  • Definition of hazards as outlined in the HSW Act.
  • Description of hazards that pose potential harm to workers, the work environment, and organizations.
  • Explanation of health and safety requirements for hazard control.
  • Description of various hazard control methods.
  • Application of risk assessment procedures.
  • Identification of the core principles of workplace safety.
  • Recognition of safe and unsafe work practices.
  • Description of sound workplace health and safety practices.


Who Should Enroll?


This course is ideal for health and safety practitioners, representatives, supervisors, or managers who seek to comprehend and communicate the productivity advantages of a safe workplace. It is particularly valuable for those involved in developing health and safety plans.

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