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ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 45001:2018 is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) Standard that replaced OHSAS 18001. Organizations seeking to enhance their OHS performance, reduce OHS risks, prevent accidents and incidents, and comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements can adopt ISO 45001 and obtain ISO 45001 Certification through an accredited Certification Body.

What is ISO 45001 Health & Safety Management System?

ISO 45001 is an Occupational Health & Safety Management System with 10 clauses (from Clause #1 to Clause #10). Its main objective is to provide a safe and healthy workplace, prevent work-related injuries and illnesses, and maintain compliance with OHS-related legal requirements.

Benefits of ISO 45001 Certification:

ISO 45001 Certification offers several benefits to organizations:

  • Improved overall OHS performance.
  • Reduction in OHS risks.
  • Decrease in accidents and incidents.
  • Enhanced compliance with OHS legal requirements.
  • Increased productivity.


ISO 45001 Certification Process:

The ISO 45001 Certification process involves several steps:

  • Implement ISO 45001 in the organization, including developing required documents and procedures.
  • Conduct internal audits and hold management review meetings.
  • Apply to an accredited ISO Certification Body that provides ISO 45001 Certification.
  • The Certification Body conducts an ISO 45001 Certification Audit at your organization.
  • If your organization’s OHS Management complies with the Certification requirements, it will be recommended for ISO 45001 Certification.
  • The Certification Body reviews the recommendation, makes a certification decision, and grants ISO 45001 Certification to your organization.


Requirements of ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System:

ISO 45001 includes various requirements, such as:

  • Context of the organization: Identifying internal and external issues, needs, expectations, and relevant activities.
  • Leadership and worker participation: Establishing leadership responsibility and encouraging worker participation in OHS management.
  • Actions to address risks and opportunities: Analyzing OHS risks and seeking opportunities for improvement.
  • Operation: Addressing OHS hazards, changes, procurement, contractors, and emergency preparedness.
  • Performance evaluation: Evaluating OHS compliance, hazards, risks, opportunities, and objectives.
  • Improvement: Addressing incidents, nonconformities, corrective actions, and continual improvement.


Organizations implementing ISO 45001 should also document key OHS aspects, including OHS Manual, Policy, Procedures, Internal Audits, and Management Review Meetings.

ISO 45001 Certification demonstrates an organization’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace while preventing work-related injuries and illnesses.

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