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ISO Certification

Our organization is led by a team of dedicated and experienced professionals. We have earned a strong reputation for our services, which include Management System Certification, third-party inspections, and Lead Auditor Training. We have gained the trust of customers by consistently delivering value-added services.

What is ISO Certification?

ISO Certification is a recognition of compliance with specific management system standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, and ISO 27001, serve as guidelines for organizations to enhance their operations and meet various objectives.

ISO Standards are contractual standards developed by ISO’s Technical Committee members. They align with the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Each ISO Standard has a specific purpose:

ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System – QMS):

    • Objective: Enhance overall organizational performance, consistently meet customer requirements, statutory/regulatory obligations, and improve customer satisfaction.

ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System – EMS):

    • Objective: Provide an environmental protection framework, improve environmental performance, and ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements.

ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System – OHSMS):

  • Objective: Establish a framework for managing occupational health and safety risks, prevent work-related injuries/illnesses, and create safe workplaces.

ISO 22000:2018 (Food Safety Management System – FSMS):

  • Objective: Improve food safety performance, consistently deliver safe food/products, and meet customer and regulatory requirements.

ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System – ISMS):

    • Objective: Ensure information confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Manage risks through a structured process and meet statutory/regulatory requirements.

ISO Certification demonstrates an organization’s commitment to excellence and compliance in various domains. These standards are adaptable for organizations of all sizes and types, irrespective of their activities.

General Process for ISO Certification

System Implementation:

    • Implement the chosen Management System (e.g., QMS, EMS, OHSMS, FSMS, ISMS) within your organization.

Application Submission:

    • Apply for ISO certification with a recognized Certification Body (CAB) in Pakistan.
    • Provide essential information about your organization, including its name, the specific certification required, scope of certification, number of employees, and other relevant details.

Application Review:

    • The CAB conducts a thorough review of your application.
    • Determine the required number of Audit Mandays and the competency of the Audit Team.

Audit Team Selection:

    • Based on the review, the CAB selects a qualified Audit Team.
    • Tentative dates for the onsite Audit are proposed.

Applicant’s Acceptance:

    • The CAB communicates the selected Audit Team and tentative onsite Audit dates to the Applicant organization.
    • The Applicant organization provides consent for the Audit Team and confirms the onsite Audit date.

Onsite Audit – Stage 1:

    • The initial certification audit is conducted in two stages.
    • Stage 1 Audit: This is a preliminary assessment to review the readiness of your management system.
    • The Audit Team evaluates the documentation, processes, and compliance with ISO standards.

Onsite Audit – Stage 2:

    • Stage 2 Audit: This is the main certification audit.
    • The Audit Team assesses the effectiveness of your management system in practice.
    • They verify whether your organization complies with ISO standards, meets objectives, and continuously improves processes.

Certification Decision:

    • Based on the findings of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits, the Audit Team makes a recommendation to the CAB.
    • The CAB reviews the recommendation and decides whether to grant ISO certification.

Certification Award:

    • If your organization meets the requirements, the CAB awards ISO certification.
    • You receive an ISO certificate and may use the relevant ISO logo to promote your certified status.

Surveillance Audits (Periodic):

    • After certification, your organization will undergo periodic surveillance audits by the CAB to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO standards.

Initial certification the Audit is carried out in two-stage- Stage-1 Audit & Stage-2 Audit.

ISO Certification Stage 1 Audit:

  • Stage 1 Audit is a document review conducted at the client’s site.
  • Its purpose is to assess the preparedness of the organization for the Stage 2 Audit.
  • After Stage 1 Audit, the Audit Team Leader recommends either proceeding to Stage 2 Audit or declining the recommendation.
  • If recommended for Stage 2 Audit, the Certification Body (CAB) provides the Audit plan and schedule for acceptance.
  • If declined, the client organization must address the findings, take corrective and preventive actions (CAPA), and then contact the CAB for another Stage 1 Audit.


ISO Certification Stage 2 Audit:

  • Stage 2 Audit is a comprehensive certification audit performed at the client’s site.
  • The Audit Team verifies the entire management system and its compliance with ISO standards.
  • Upon completing the Stage 2 Audit, the Audit Team Leader may recommend the client’s Management System for certification or decline the recommendation based on audit findings.
  • If recommended for certification, the Audit Team Leader submits the Audit report to the CAB for review.
  • An independent competent person, not involved in the client’s onsite audit, reviews the audit file.
  • Based on the review, the CAB decides whether to issue the ISO certification or not.

This process is also followed during annual Surveillance Audits and Re-certification Audits to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO standards.

Why ISO Certification is Important for Business Organizations:

ISO Certification holds significant importance for business organizations due to several key reasons:

  • Systematic Operations: ISO standards provide a structured framework for organizations to operate efficiently and systematically. This helps in achieving business objectives consistently.
  • Legal Compliance: ISO Certification ensures that an organization complies with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. It helps in avoiding legal issues and penalties.
  • Customer Expectations: ISO standards focus on meeting customer expectations and delivering quality products or services. This enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Commercial Benefits: ISO Certification can open up new business opportunities. Many clients and partners prefer working with ISO-certified organizations, which can lead to increased contracts and partnerships.
  • Enhanced Performance: ISO Certification encourages continuous improvement. Organizations strive to enhance their performance in various aspects, leading to increased efficiency and profitability.
  • Stakeholder Satisfaction: ISO Certification also benefits stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and investors, by promoting transparency, ethical practices, and overall confidence in the organization.

In today’s competitive business environment, ISO Certification is seen as a valuable asset that not only helps in improving operations but also in gaining a competitive edge and ensuring sustainable growth.

ISO Certification Cost Factors:

The cost of ISO Certification is influenced by several key factors:

  • Number of Employees: The size of your organization, in terms of the number of employees, can impact the certification cost. Larger organizations may have more complex systems to audit, leading to higher costs.
  • Scope of Certification: The extent of your ISO Certification, including which ISO standards and specific processes are included, will affect the cost. Certifying multiple standards or a broader scope may increase costs.
  • Organizational Processes: The complexity of the processes within your organization and the depth of the audit required will impact costs. More intricate processes may require additional time and resources.
  • Number of Working Shifts: If your organization operates multiple shifts or non-standard working hours, the certification process may require additional effort and resources, potentially increasing costs.
  • Number of Sites: If your organization has multiple locations or sites, each site may require separate audits, which can contribute to higher certification costs.

It’s important to note that certification costs can vary significantly based on these factors. Organizations should work closely with their chosen Certification Body (CAB) to determine the specific costs associated with their ISO Certification based on their unique circumstances and requirements.

ISO Certification Procedure:

  • Implementation of Management System: Implement the chosen ISO Management System within the organization, ensuring compliance with ISO standards.
  • Internal Audit: Conduct internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the management system and identify areas for improvement.
  • Management Review Meeting: Hold regular management review meetings to evaluate the performance of the management system and make necessary adjustments.
  • Apply to Certification Body (CAB): Submit an application for ISO Certification to a recognized Certification Body (CAB).
  • Award of Certification by CAB: After a successful audit process, the Certification Body reviews the findings and decides whether to grant ISO Certification. If approved, the organization is awarded the certificate.
  • Annual Surveillance Audit: Maintain ISO Certification through annual surveillance audits conducted by the CAB to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO standards.
  • Re-Certification Audit: Periodically, typically every three years, undergo a re-certification audit by the CAB to renew the ISO Certification.

ISO Certification Procedure:

  • Implementation of Management System: Implement the chosen ISO Management System within the organization, ensuring compliance with ISO standards.
  • Internal Audit: Conduct internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the management system and identify areas for improvement.
  • Management Review Meeting: Hold regular management review meetings to evaluate the performance of the management system and make necessary adjustments.
  • Apply to Certification Body (CAB): Submit an application for ISO Certification to a recognized Certification Body (CAB).
  • Award of Certification by CAB: After a successful audit process, the Certification Body reviews the findings and decides whether to grant ISO Certification. If approved, the organization is awarded the certificate.
  • Annual Surveillance Audit: Maintain ISO Certification through annual surveillance audits conducted by the CAB to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO standards.
  • Re-Certification Audit: Periodically, typically every three years, undergo a re-certification audit by the CAB to renew the ISO Certification.


How to Get ISO Certification:

  • Select the Relevant ISO Standard: Choose the ISO Management System standard(s) that align with your organization’s objectives, such as ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 14001 (EMS), ISO 45001 (OHSMS), ISO 22000 (FSMS), or ISO 27001 (ISMS).
  • Implementation of the Management System: Implement the selected ISO Management System standard within your organization. This can be done with the assistance of an ISO consultant or by your internal team.
  • Conduct Internal Audit: Perform an internal audit of your organization’s processes and functions covered by the implemented Management System. Identify any non-conformities.
  • Corrective and Preventive Actions: Address and rectify the non-conformities by taking appropriate corrective and preventive actions.
  • Management Review Meeting: Hold a management review meeting to evaluate the performance of the Management System, discuss audit findings, and make necessary improvements.
  • Apply to Certification Body (CAB): Submit an application for ISO Certification to a reputable Certification Body (CAB) that is accredited to grant ISO certifications.
  • Certification Body (CAB) Audit: The Certification Body will conduct an audit of your organization’s Management System. This audit involves assessing compliance with the chosen ISO standard and evaluating the effectiveness of your processes.
  • Certification Decision: Based on the audit findings and conclusions, the Certification Body decides whether to grant ISO Certification. If your Management System meets the requirements, the CAB issues the ISO certificate.
  • Maintain Certification: To maintain ISO Certification, your organization must undergo annual surveillance audits by the Certification Body.
  • Re-Certification Audit: Every few years (usually every three years), undergo a re-certification audit to renew the ISO Certification.

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